Canton Racing
Canton Racing Accusump
Canton Racing Accusumps er oliereservoirer, der forbindes til motorens oliesystem. De er designet til at samle olie under tryk fra din motor og opbevare den, så den kan udledes, når olietrykket er lavt. Canton Racing Accusump er en olieakkumulatorer der leverer olie, inden olietrykket bliver for lavt og ødelægger motoren. Den levere også olie hvis du køre i et meget skarpt sving hvor du ellers ville midste olietrykket.
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Accusump 2 QT - Oil Accumulator - No Valve
The 2 Quart Accusump is ideal for surge control on small block V-8, V-6, and 4 cylinder engines as well as pre-oiling for all engines. Has a 12" long and 4-1/4" dia. body.
2.812,50 (DKK) inkl. moms
Accusump 2 QT - Oil Accumulator - KIT
This 2 quart Marine Accusump kit is for pre-oiling and surge control on all applications. Tube is 12" long with 4-1/4" Dia. All components are anodized aluminum, stainless, or brass. The kit comes with a liquid filled stainless steel pressure gauge, stainless steel mounting clamps, brass safety valve, E. P. C. valve system, on / off switch, wire and terminals and installation instructions.
6.625,00 (DKK) inkl. moms
6.375,00 (DKK) inkl. moms
Accusump 3 QT - Oil Accumulator - No Valve
The 3 Quart Accusump is ideal for V-8 and high horsepower V-6 and 4 cylinders engines. It is the original and has been providing pre-oiling and surge protection in all types of racing and recreational vehicles for over 30 years. Has a 16" long and 4-1/4" dia. body.
2.875,00 (DKK) inkl. moms
Accusump Pro Electric Valve Kit - 24-270X
The Electric Accusump Valve kit provides a convenient way of operating the Accusump.
2.150,00 (DKK) inkl. moms